Home :: Alphas :: Stay Cozy - Alphas by Lisa Rosa Designs

Stay Cozy - Alphas by Lisa Rosa Designs

Stay Cozy - Alphas by Lisa Rosa Designs

When everything looks like a magical oil painting, you know you are in autumn” ~ M.M. Ildan

Fall is a cozy, delicious transitional season. It’s a magical time for all senses, for communing with family, friends and nature, where cooler temperatures keep us at home longer. Time to relax, meditate, read a good book or just cuddle in a sofa with a cozy blanket while enjoying a hot drink. Season's holidays are a great chance to thank for our bounty, be at home, gather with family and friends and have fun.

All of this has inspired this beautiful collection, created in a warm palette of reds, oranges and yellows, with some notes of brown, green and purple hues, perfect for scrap all those fall memories.

ALPHAS include 2 different full alphabets, 1 orange ombre plastic set, and 1 flowered patterned and black set, both including uppercase letters A through Z, symbols and numbers 0 – 9, saved as individual PNG files.

Our price: $2.99
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 28.72MB
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