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Travelogue New Mexico - Kit by Connie Prince

Travelogue New Mexico - Kit by Connie Prince
Travelogue New Mexico by Connie Prince CT Layout using Travelogue New Mexico by Connie Prince CT Layout using Travelogue New Mexico by Connie Prince CT Layout using Travelogue New Mexico by Connie Prince CT Layout using Travelogue New Mexico by Connie Prince CT Layout using Travelogue New Mexico by Connie Prince CT Layout using Travelogue New Mexico by Connie Prince CT Layout using Travelogue New Mexico by Connie Prince CT Layout using Travelogue New Mexico by Connie Prince CT Layout using Travelogue New Mexico by Connie Prince CT Layout using Travelogue New Mexico by Connie Prince

Travelogue: New Mexico by Connie Prince.  Travel with me to the Land of Enchantment, New Mexico, through this Travelogue collection. Perfect for documenting vacations and life in New Mexico. All of the Travelogue collections are interchangeable and will coordinate with one another to give you an endless amount of versatility!   Travelogue New Mexico - Kit by Connie Prince. Includes: 10 patterned papers, 9 solid papers, 1 alien face, 1 beac scatter, 1 bear silhouette, 1 bow, 6 buttons, 2 cactus plants, 1 desert sunset scene, 12 flowers, 1 journal mat, 1 luggage tag, 1 Native American silhouette, 1 paint swath, 2 pottery pieces, 3 ribbons, 1 ricrac, 1 state flag, 1 state info card, 1 state shape, 1 string, 1 flag symbol, 1 tag, 2 turquoise beads, 1 twig, 1 UFO, 1 Land of Enchantment word art, 1 state motto (in Latin and English, 1 yucca plant ephemera card, 1 New Mexico word art. Scrap for hire / others ok.
SKU cap_travelogueNMkit
Market price: $5.99
Our price: $5.99 $3.00 On Sale On Sale
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