Home :: Paper Packs :: Amazing Circustances Stacked Papers (Layers)

Amazing Circustances Stacked Papers (Layers)

Amazing Circustances Stacked Papers (Layers)

This fun pack of stacked and pre-decorated papers was made as part of my Amazing Circustances Collection.  This huge collection is great for photos from the Circus, Amusement parks, Carnivals, State Fairs and much more!  

I made these pages slightly differently and have saved both the background layer and the foreground layer separately (as well as the flattened jpgs), so if you want to put your photos between the two layers you can!!!
I hope you find these more helpful than the standard flattened jpgs.

Pack contains:

4 12x12 stacked papers in jpg format
4 12x12 backgrounds in jpg format
4 clustered foregrounds in png format

Created at 300 ppi for maximum printing quality.  Drop shadows ARE included on these png files.

SKU Kmess_ACrcus_Stkd
Our price: $4.50
Quantity 1 (this product is downloadable)
Download Size 41.22MB
Download Time
3 minutes @ 1.8mbs
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